12 Tips to Conserve Laptop Battery

There are several ways to conserve laptop battery and have your device run longer than normal before you get the pop-up message to plug your charger.

If you have noticed that your laptop battery up time getting noticeably shorter then it’s time for you to apply all the possible tips and tricks to make the battery last longer.

After all, it’s no fun scrambling to find your laptop charger when you realize that your laptop battery is about to give up on you.

So, we have compiled all the helpful tips to conserve your laptop battery and make it last longer as follows:

12. Use Battery Saver Mode

Use Battery Saver Mode

Using battery saver mode does not only apply to your phone but is also very helpful to use on your laptop.

Check your laptop’s control panel and see how you can customize your battery usage especially when your laptop is not being used or not plugged into an electrical source.

You might experience some performance issues during the battery saver mode so make sure that you set it only in times when you are not doing important tasks that require increased use of the battery.

11. Look into Apps That Analyze Laptop Battery Health

Look into Apps That Analyze Laptop Battery Health

Some apps analyze battery health which could come in handy to help you manage and monitor your battery usage.

This is also a good way to determine if any apps are eating up too much of your battery life.

For Laptops with Windows Operating System

For Windows computers, there is a built-in app that allows you to check your battery health via Windows PowerShell. You need to have admin access to access the information.

If you have admin access to your Windows computer then you can do Win+X, select Windows PowerShell (Admin) and enter the command “powercfg /batteryreport”.

After entering the command, you will see the file path where you can get the data. Just follow the path and open the report.

For MacBooks

Several apps can monitor your MacBook’s battery health. The most recommended ones are as follows:

  • Battery Health 2
  • Coconut Battery
  • iStat Menus

10. Close Unused Apps and Programs

Close Unused Apps and Programs

We all tend to leave open apps and programs, like the crypto games you play, even when we are not using them.

But, these apps and programs running in the background can use up your battery without you even realizing it.

Therefore, make it a habit to close all unused apps and programs especially when your laptop is not plugged into an electrical outlet.

You can also set your computer to automatically close unused apps after a certain period.

9. Charge your Laptop before the Battery Dies

Charge your Laptop before the Battery Dies

Charging your laptop before the battery dies is recommended as it is bad for the laptop battery to only be charged when the battery is completely drained.

The advisable percentage of battery is at least 20% before you charge it, especially for modern laptops that have lithium-ion batteries.

8. Adjust Monitor Brightness and Graphics Settings

Adjust Monitor Brightness and Graphics Settings

Your monitor’s brightness can consume much of your laptop’s juice plus put a strain on your eyes.

Adjust your monitor’s brightness and not only that it will provide eye-friendly brightness but also help you conserve much of your laptop’s battery.

Adjusting your laptop’s monitor brightness is also one of the recommendations that you might find when you turn on the battery saver mode.

Your Graphics settings also contribute to increased battery consumption.

If you’re into playing games that require intensive use of graphics, you might have set your favorite gaming laptop graphics settings to render the best image quality for your game.

But if you are not playing any games or running any apps that require heavy graphics usage, it would be best to adjust your graphics settings accordingly.

You can find the Graphics settings on your laptop’s control panel.

7. Deactivate WiFi Connection When Not in Use

Deactivate WiFi Connection When Not in Use

Your laptop’s WiFi connection can also use up a lot of battery life especially if you are in an area with a weak or unstable WiFi connection.

Only turn on your WiFi connection when you need to use it and turn it off when you are not using it.

You can also deactivate the option for your laptop to automatically connect to any available WiFi networks.

6. Turn off or Hibernate your Laptop When not in Use

Turn off or Hibernate your Laptop When not in Use

Most users would only use the sleep function when the device is not in use but the highly recommended thing to do is to turn off the device or use hibernate.

Using the sleep function slows down the CPU but the laptop memory stays active and still consumes the battery.

5. Keep your Device Cool

Keep your Device Cool

The heat is an enemy of your laptop’s battery.

Exposing your device to extreme heat can damage the battery and its overuse could also lead to decreased battery capacity.

You can use a cooling pad or laptop stand to help cool down your device.

4. Turn off Unused Devices and Ports

Turn off Unused Devices and Ports

Devices that are connected to your laptop, like your wireless mouse, and wireless headsets, can drain your battery. Disable connection for external devices that are not in use or turn off the devices to avoid battery consumption.

Devices such as external speakers, and smart watches when not in use can be disconnected from your laptop to conserve more battery.

3. Have Enough RAM for your Tasks

Have Enough RAM for your Tasks

If you are planning to upgrade your gaming laptop, having enough RAM for your tasks will lessen the strain on your hard drive which in turn will result in less battery consumption.

Your computer will store data in your RAM when it can which will reduce the usage and operation of the hard drive. A hard drive that has increased operation consumes more battery.

2. Have an Extra Laptop Battery Handy

Have an Extra Laptop Battery Handy

If you’re looking to extend more of your laptop battery without having to charge then getting an extra laptop battery might be a good idea.

This way, you can replace the battery when it’s running low without having to worry about not being able to use your laptop while waiting for it to charge.

1. Update your Laptop’s BIOS and Drivers

Update your Laptop's BIOS and Drivers

Your laptop’s BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is responsible for its overall performance.

It is advisable to keep your BIOS updated to the latest version to avoid any battery or performance-related issues.

You should also update your device drivers to ensure that your laptop is running as efficiently as possible. Outdated device drivers can lead to increased battery consumption.


Making the most of your laptop battery without having to charge it several times a day can be achieved by following the tips above. By making a few adjustments to your laptop usage and settings, you can help conserve battery life and get more out of your device.

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Article by Jake

Hey I'm Jake! Writer for various gaming and technology blogs. I also enjoy a little bit of golf in my free time as well as gaming. I really enjoy competitive games and I hate to admit it, but I have really been enjoying Wild Rift on my phone as I get the League experience without the rage. Usually you'll find me on Steam though exploring the many competitive options out there, whether that is a Battle Royale game or a MOBA game.